Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

One direction "Little Things" lyric

little things is the second song of one direction's second album 'take me home'. this song is the another version or the mature version of what makes you beautiful. sweet song ever :-) hear and feel this song can make you believe that you are truly beautiful with or without your flaws :-)


your hand fits in mine
like it's made just for me
but bear this in mind
it was meant to be
and im joining up the dots
with the freckles on your cheeks
and it all makes sense to me.

i know you've never loved
the crinkles by your eyes, when you smile

you've never loved
your stomach or your thighs 

the dimples on your back
at the bottom of your spine

but i'll love them endlessly.

i won't let these little things
slip out of my mouth
but if i do
it's you oh its you
they add up to

im in love with you
and all these little things

you cant go to bed
without a cup of tea
and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep
and all those conversations are the secrets
that i keep
though it makes no sense to me

i know you've never loved
the sound of your voice on tape
you never want to know how much you weigh 
you still have to squeeze into your jeans 
you're perfect to me.

i won't let these little things
slip out of my mouth

but if its true its you
its you they add up to

im in love with you
and all these little things

you'll never love yourself
half as much as i love you
you'll never treat yourself right darlin
but i want you to
if i let you know im here for you
maybe you'll love yourself like i love you

i've just let these little things
slip out of my mouth
because its you
oh its you
its you
they add up to

and im in love with you
and all these little things

i won't let these little things
slip out of my mouth

but if its true its you
its you they add up to

and im in love with you
and all your little things

here the video 

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

what makes starships beautiful

music rules! haha. how flawless it is. one direction vs nicki minaj 'what makes starships beautiful' who's win? let see! ;D

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Persebaran Fauna Dunia

keanekaragaman lingkungan di muka bumi ini menyebabkan fauna yang tersebar diseluruh dunia beraneka ragam pula. seorang ilmuwan bernama Alfred Russel Wallace yang berasal dari negeri Britania Raya ini telah mengklasifikasikan persebaran fauna di muka bumi kedalam beberapa kelompok atau kawasan

sumber gambar:


    paleartik memiliki arti belahan bumi bagian utara. kawasannya meliputi daerah Benua Eropa, Afrika, Lingkaran Arktik, Alaska, dan Asia Utara. contoh hewan pada tipe kawasan ini diantaranya unta, tikus, bison, dan kucing kutub.


        persebaran hewan di wilayah neartik ini meliputi daerah Amerika Utara, Greenland, sampai ke daerah kutub. contoh hewan pada tipe ini diantaranya tikus berkantung yang hidup di wilayah gurun, bison, kambing gunung, salamander, ular berbisa, muskoxen , dan carribauw


  pada tipe ini, persebaran hewannya meliputi kawasan Amerika Selatan, Amerika Utara, dan Kepulauan Hindia Barat. dan jenis hewan pada tipe ini diantaranya adalah llama , armadillo , antelop , dan kelelawar vampir

afrotropical adalah nama lain dari kawasan ethiopian

 persebaran hewan tipe ini meliputi sebagian besar Benua Afrika, Pulau Madagaskar, dan Zajirah Arab. contoh hewannya meliputi kuda nil, jerapah, zabra, singa, gajah afrika, badak afrika, dll.


pada kawasan ini, daerah yang termasuk kedalamnya merupakan negara-negara asia. sehingga hewan-hewannya pun adalah hewan asia. dan negara-negara asia yang termasuk kedalam tipe ini diantaranya Indonesia, India, China, Filipina, dan Malaysia. sedangkan hewannya antara lain gajah, harimau, badak, orangutan, tapir, dan siamang.

    tipe jenis ini meliputi kawasan Pulau Papua, Australia, Selandia Baru, dan pulau pulau di sekitar Samudra Pasifik. hewan jenis ini memiliki ciri khas karna hewannya adalah hewan marsupial (hewan berkantung) diantaranya kangguru, koala, dan kuskus. selain itu, banyak juga jenis jenis burung yang berbulu indah diantaranya cendrawasih, kasuari, nuri, dll.

    kawasan tipe selandia baru memiliki jenis fauna yang khas, meskipun wilayah ini tidak terlalu jauh dari Australia. di Selandia Baru, dapat ditemukan sphenodon (sejenis hewan amfibi purba) dan hewan kiwi


hello,umm hi,umm hei,heyya,waddap?vas happenin?! haha,actually im not good for start something.tapi intinya sesuai dengan judul postingan ini 'preface' gue cuma mau sekedar basa basi aja the way,ini adalah blog gue yang ini dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas sebenernya.jadi mungkin,yang bakal banyak di post disini tentang pelajaran pelajaran yang baru gue dapet.atau yaaaa tentang info info yang menurut gue penting untuk di, welcome to my second page! :-D

just for info let me introduce myself name's Kiki Rizky Virliana.Kiki for in Tangerang city,Indonesia. now,i'm the second years student at SMAN 7 Tangerang. i'm in social class. eleven social three for sure. in the first year at SMAN 7, i was part of X.B class.

in family,i'm the second daughter.i have 1 older sister. me and my sister had a 14-year-old age range. this year,i'm 16 and she's parents just have me and my yeah,though i have a sister, sometimes i felt i'm the only child in my family. my dad was an army,and my mom was a house sister already marriage since,now i have 1 brother in law and 1 nephew.

i love my besties, my friends, my family ofc, i love music, reading, food, comic, my notebook, detective conan, one direction, and i love my room. i love brown, and i could spent my whooolee free day just lay in my bed with my notebook or handphone.yeah,that's i called 'live while we're young'.

mmm oke gue mulai bingung mau nulis apa lagi.intinya ini cuma buat pengenalan aja penting juga,tapi ya seengganya daripada ga ada sama sekali.oke kalo gitu sampe ketemu di postingan postingan selanjutnya.see you around! babayyy ;D